Donate Domain Names
Donate Domain Names Tax Deduction

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Domain Name Appraisals …

The IRS believes the topic of Domain Name Appraisals and Values to be speculative, as the ultimate value of any domain is based on the amount a purchaser is willing to pay, and a seller is willing to sell for. If you do a quick search for previous domain name sales you will see there is a thriving market for premium domain names. If you want to donate a domain name, it is crucial that you get your names appraised by a reputable company. This will allow you to know (and prove to the IRS) the true value of the deduction you can legally claim for your domain name donation.

Choosing a Domain Name Appraisal Company

An expert evaluation of a domain name's value is critical intelligence for domain donors looking to determine a fair market price to deduct. 99% of our clients use at least 2-3 companies for their domain appraisal. All donors agree choosing appraisers that garner the most respect in the domain aftermarket valuation business will ensure you have no issues with the IRS. The final choice is yours though of course.